Minimum stay is two weeks. Please wear skirts and a modest top during your stay. No slacks or halter tops.
A fee of $100 per week is required for your stay which covers the room and board for the week. The fee remains even if you cut short your stay.
We ask you to change the bed linens before you leave. Cleans bed linens are on the shelf in your cell. The soiled linens will be washed after you leave.
Our Horarium is developed as sisters arrive since the needs of each person are different. In time a schedule is produced which works for all. What we cover in our schedule is:
- Divine Office
- Adoration
- Conferences
- Lectio Divina
- Free Time for Private Medition
- Rest
- Creative work
Great Silence is observed after night prayer (Compline)
After the first 2 days of the “Come and See” silence is observed. Speaking is allowed always when necessary and in a low voice.
Questions will be addressed during the conference times.
This “come and see” is for your discernment as to whether your vocation is here at the Convent of Peace and Good. Franciscan spirituality is our focus and our mission is contemplative prayer and adoration.
Free time is used for private prayer and study of our life or contemplative work.
The Guardian is here to protect the atmosphere of a sacred space of which you have been invited by acceptance of as a “come and see” guest. We request no use or very limited use of cell phones during your stay.
This is a time for you- your discernment and retreat. But it is also a home where others reside so we expect cooperation and participation in our life. Some changes may occur in the schedule if situations arise.
May you receive peace and every good while you are here.
If you would like to schedule a “come and see”, we request that you take the time to complete this form. Please use separate paper but address all questions. If they are not applicable, please put N/A.
This is confidential information and will not be shared. The purpose of this questionnaire is to ascertain if you are ready to be considered for entrance into our community. If you are not accepted, the questionnaire will be returned and our copy will be destroyed.
Please scroll over the block below for the link to the Entrance Application.